Special Service Archive

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The Installation of Rev. Peter Heyn 5/19/2024

Easter Sunday 3/31/2024

Good Friday 3/29/2024

Maundy Thursday 3/28/2024

Good Friday - 4/7/23

Why do we call this Friday "Good"? Tonight we follow Jesus as His final steps lead to the Golgotha, the "Place of the Skull," where He suffered and died to pay for the sins of the world--including yours and mine. Pastor's sermon, "His Final Steps Led to the Place of the Skull" is based on Luke 23:26-33. Download a copy of the worship folder at www.christthekinggb.org/sunday-bulletins.

Maundy Thursday - 4/6/23

We follow Jesus to the upper room where He celebrates the Passover with His disciples and then prepares them for His death and resurrection. On this night He insititutes the new covenant of the Sacrament of the Altar, feeding His disciples His own body and blood in, with, and under bread and wine, for the forgiveness of their sins. Strengthened by His love and forgiveness, which He bestows on us in His Sacrament, we are free to love one another as He has loved us. Pastor's sermon, "His Final Steps Led to the Upper Room" is based on Mark 14:12-17. Tonight's service follows the Christian Questions and Answers from Luther's Small Catechism.

Christmas Eve - 12/24/22

A Savior is born! The birth of a Savior says as much about us as it does about the Child born in Bethlehem. We were a people in need of saving, helpless and lost. So, God sent His only Son to be our Savior--and His birth changes everything! Pastor's sermon, "A Savior Is Born" is based on Luke 2:8-14.
