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7/2/23 - 5th Sun. after Pentecost

We continue to preach Christ in spite of the threat of persecution. Christ Himself assures us that we have nothing to fear from those who would either try to take our reputation or our lives for His sake. Pastor's sermon, "Do Not Fear the Enemies of Christ" is based on Matthew 10:24-33. God bless your worship!

6/25/23 - 4th Sun. after Pentecost

God's love and compassion for this world is so great that He sends ministers to share His grace and mercy. We see that compassion on display as Christ calls His disciples to pray that the Lord of the harvest send laborers into His harvest, and as Christ sends His disciples to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God. Pastor's sermon, "Be Moved by Christ's Compassion for Sinners," is based on Matthew 9:35-10:8.

6/18/23 - 3rd Sun. after Pentecost

God calls sinners out of His boundless mercy to serve Him by bringing His mercy to others. Whether a tax collector (Matthew) or a persecutor of Christians (Paul), in His forgiving grace and mercy, He calls them to show the same mercy to their fellow sinners that has been shown to them. Pastor's sermon, "Called by Christ's Mercy" is based on Matthew 9:9-13. God bless your worship!

6/11/23 - 2nd Sun. after Pentecost

The Church stands on the rock-solid truth of God's Word. This is why it is important to lay up the truth of God's Word on our hearts and to teach it to the next generation, so that all God's people may rest in the blessings of His grace and salvation in Christ. Pastor's sermon, "Fix Your Hearts on God's Blessed Words," is based on Deuteronomy 11:18-21, 26-28. God bless your worship!

6/4/23 - Holy Trinity Sunday

We believe in one true God--Father, Son, and Holy Ghost--because this is how God reveals Himself to us in the Bible. We worship Jesus as true God the same as the Father, recognizing that all the Father's authority also belongs to Him as our Savior. Pastor's sermon, "All Authority Belongs to Christ" is based on Matthew 28:16-20. God bless your worship!

5/28/23 - The Day of Pentecost

On Pentecost God poured out His Holy Spirit! Today we celebrate this oldest of Christian holidays by recalling the great gifts of the Holy Spirit in our own hearts and in the hearts of all who hear the Word of God. Pastor's sermon, "The Helper Comes" is based on John 16:5-11. God bless your worship!

5/23/23 - Ascension of Our Lord (obs.)

In a world filled with questions and uncertainty, followers of Christ can find courage in their Savior's ascension to heaven, which assures us that His saving work is finished, that He is now present with us at all times, and that He will soon return to take us to be with Him. Pastor's sermon, "Take Courage in Christ's Ascension" is based on Acts 1:1-11. 
