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5/22/22 - 6th Sun. of Easter

Our love for Christ shows itself in the way we obey His teachings and trust in His peace. Yet where do we find the peace of our risen Savior? Declared in the promises of His Word. And He makes some of the most glorious promises to us in Revelation 21: promises of peace and safety, and life forever in the light of God's presence! Pastor's sermon, "The Holy City Shines with God's Glory" is based on Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23.

5/15/22 - 5th Sun. of Easter

When we are burdened by the weight of inadequacy, when we are worn out from trying to ascend to our heavenly Father, our resurrected Lord reminds us that He is the One who makes all things new--and not us. Pastor's sermon, "See the Renewal of the Risen Jesus" is based on Revelation 21:1-6.

5/8/22 - Confirmation Day

As the confirmands publicly confess their faith and promise to remain faithful to Christ and to His Word, in God's Word we see Jesus our Good Shepherd who knows each of His sheep personally and gives them eternal life. On our own we are incapable of keeping our confirmation promises, but through faith in Christ, He keeps us safe with Him forever! Pastor's sermon, "The Shepherd's Sheep Keep Hearing His Voice" is based on John 10:27-28.

5/1/22 - 3rd Sunday of Easter

As the risen Jesus appears to His disciples in power, He restores Peter with His redeeming love, so that Peter can faithfully follow Christ in bearing the cross of love. Jesus' grace toward Peter reminds us of His grace and forgiveness toward us. Pastor's sermon, "Restored in the Risen Jesus" is based on John 21:14-19.

4/24/22 - 2nd Sunday of Easter

The risen Lord overcame the apostles' fear and doubts as He appeared before them, so that they could eventually preach His resurrection boldly. We are blessed to see the risen Lord with eyes of faith, filled with the peace of the forgiveness of sins that overcomes our doubts too. ELS Evangelism and Missions Counselor, Rev. Brad Kerkow is preaching for us today. Pastor Kerkow's sermon, "Is Doubt Stealing Your Peace?" is based on John 20:19-31.

4/17/22 - Easter Sunday

Today we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord! With the proclamation that Christ is risen, we rejoice in knowing that our Savior lives, that our sins are forgiven, and that He has defeated death for us once and for all! Pastor's sermon, "The Glory of the Cross Is Hidden Even in the Savior's Triumph" is based on Matthew 28:1-10.

4/14/22 - Maundy Thursday

Fulfilling the old covenant, Jesus establishes a new covenant in the last will and testament of His own body and blood. Pastor's sermon, "The Glory of the Cross Is Hidden in the Savior's Feast" is based on Matthew 26:26-30.
